Homeschool Organization
For our family, notebooking is the predominant method used for each subject. Here's how we organize our homeschool to keep things neat and orderly (when everyone puts their things away!):
1. We have one main bookshelf for our reference books and current curriculum. Each student has a binder for each subject. I use Avery Binder Spine Inserts to print insertable labels for the View Binder Spines. I also use a Brother P-Touch Labeler to print labels for the spines of comb-bound books or workbooks. This makes it easy to see at a glance what the binder or book is for and who it belongs to.
2. We use a divided paper organizer for "Student Lockers". Each child gets one or two shelves for their personal items so that the table does not get cluttered. Their pencil baskets are stored on top, and hold the special pencils, crayons, erasers, and rulers that each child likes to use.
3. A white laminate bookshelf holds our supplies. Baskets or plastic containers keep items such as art supplies, manipulatives, and educational games organized and contained. On the floor next to the supply shelf are two large plastic containers which hold quiet activities for the little ones to do while the older children are working. A magnetic whiteboard displays some helpful reference charts. Charts we're not currently using are stored in a chart bag hanging behind the classroom door.